In the first few weeks after baby has arrived it is difficult to always choose the healthy options to eat, my advice is to treat yourself occasionally and if breastfeeding remember that everything you eat is passed on to your baby so if you wouldn’t let them eat pizza and chocolate cake then don’t eat it yourself!
Initially weight loss can be dramatic especially if you are breastfeeding and then women often plateau and wonder why the weight doesn’t keep coming off. Exercise is obviously so important in terms of toning, building your fitness and strength back up and most importantly has psychological benefits but you do have to be mindful of what you eat.
Once you have finished breastfeeding and the weight is still there I thoroughly recommend the Forever Living C9 Cleanse programe followed by F.I.T1 and F.I.T2 so you can start to train your body how to eat well again.
The link to the page is here but if you would like more advice then please email me or chat to me at the end of class.