“Can I feed my baby during the class?”

To make the most of your workout try and get baby to have a good feed before the class; if it helps arrive at the café early and feed there. The cafes at Clissold Park and Highbury Fields are both breastfeeding friendly. Of course things don’t always go to plan and if you need to stop and feed during the workout there are plenty of benches for you to sit and do a quick top up then join in again when you can.

“What if my baby cries?”

Many of the classes are scheduled to fit in with babies routines and nap times but this doesn’t apply to everyone! If you need to stop to see to your baby it is not a problem just join back in when you and your baby are ready.  I am always on hand to help out where I can and remember – you are among other mums who understand only too well the challenges of motherhood so you and your baby will not be judged here!

“What if it rains?”

Our classes are all-weather workouts so make sure that you are prepared with a waterproof for yourself and the rain cover for your buggy. In extreme weather if it is unsafe to exercise and a class needs to be cancelled I will contact you well in advance.

“What type of buggy do I need?”

Any type of buggy is fine for the class as long as it is well maintained. We never run in the buggy classes and we push on well maintained pathways.